W/ Dir.Pawel Pawlikowski @ifccenter, watching the astoundingly beautiful IDA. Must see!

from Instagram: http://ift.tt/1vvjHCV

Ok…we’ll take the snow day anyway

from Instagram: http://ift.tt/15OZIU7

Looking up at Freedom Tower

from Instagram: http://ift.tt/15BBMCQ

Bitly Writing: Straight to the Slap!


The Major Difference Between Professional And Amateur Writers by John Truby

Ira Glass on the Creative Process (Excellent!)

“What Makes A Great Actor? by Ted Kotcheff” on YouTube

What Makes A Great Actor? by Ted Kotcheff: http://youtu.be/cEeL4F2adw4

Playing family head Vincent Mangano with brother Phil, and underboss Carlo Gambino in Making of the Mob.

from Instagram: http://ift.tt/1waXK5v

Working on Elementary

from Instagram: http://ift.tt/1DBTWmH

Making of the Mob to Air on AMC

NY Daily News Article about upcoming AMC Miniseries. Im playing Vincent Mangano, one of the heads of the 5 families.


Many of us actors are used to discussing characters in terms of “motivation”, as in: what is instigating, or causing this action? We do detailed biographies of our characters and want to know what is CAUSING us to act this way. The word READ MORE

What Successful Artists Do To Beat Self Doubt by Larry Hankin

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